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Saturday 12 November 2016

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Merry Christmas Essay For Kids 2016

Today I am going to share Christmas Essay For Kids 2016 by which you will easily find Merry Christmas Essay in English for kids, Merry Christmas Essay in Hindi which you can use to write as your homework.

Christmas Essay For Kids 2016: Hi kids and children how are you? I hope you will be enjoying your weekends and will be planning to enjoy celebrate the Christmas in the winter season on the day of 25, December 2016 and may be your teacher might asked for the Merry Christmas Essay 2016. If you are searching for essays and didn't find any best place to get essays for Christmas. Today I am going to share Merry Christmas Essay in English for kids, Merry Christmas Essay in Hindi which you can use to write in English and hindi for as your school work.

Previously Shared: Christmas SMS Messages for 2016

Merry Christmas Essay for Kids in English

Merry Christmas Essay for Kids 2016 :

Christmas is the most fabulous day of the universe which is a birthday anniversary of Jesus Christ. All the people living on this earth celebrates the Christmas with full of enthusiasm and fun. Especially, Kids celebrates the Christmas with more fun because it is the day which comes under their winter vacations and it is the day when they get the Christmas gifts from the Santa Clause. Christmas is more than the more when Kids likes to decorate the trees and have fun in the party organizes by their parents. They feel so much happier and like to do shopping with their parents.

Merry Christmas Essay for Kids in English :

Essay 1:-

Christmas is a Christian festival. Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian faith, was born on 25 December. Hence the day is observed as the 'Christmas Day' in order to commemorate Christ's birth.

On the day, the Christians dress themselves colorfully with a gay spirit. They wish 'Merry Christmas' to their friends and relatives. They visit one another's house in order to exchange good wishes.

The Christians decorate their houses on the occasion with the Christmas Tree which is an evergreen (artificial) tree beautified with small electric bulbs and zari laces or other tiny pieces of decoration like dazzling paper stars, halls etc. that add a typical festive mood to the occasion.

They prepare Christmas pudding rich dark plum cakes which are eaten at Christmas. The Christians all over the world enthusiastically celebrate the Christmas festival.

It is a great day also for the children, who sing the carol, which is a Christmas hymn in chorus in memory of Christ's birth. They fervently look for Santa Claus or the Father Christmas who is supposed to appear to distribute attractive gifts to the children on the day. Santa Claus dress­es himself in red and white, wears white and long false beard, and carry a bag full of presents for the children.

The shops, hotels, churches, schools, colleges-all are decorated with various types of colored paper flowers or other designs, balloons and lamps on the Christmas day. The festival is now-a-days found to be enjoyed and celebrated also by other communities not as a religious belief, but as a festive occasion.

Merry Christmas Essay II For Children:-

25th December is observed by the Christians as "Christmas", the birthday of Jesus Christ. They greet their friends and relatives with 'Merry Christmas'.

25th December is observed by the Christians as "Christmas", the birthday of Jesus Christ. They greet their friends and relatives with 'Merry Christmas'. On the day, they dress well, eat good food, and offer gifts to their near and dear ones. They pass the day with a gay spirit.

The Christians decorate their house with the 'Christmas Tree' which is an artificial evergreen tree, illuminated by small electric bulbs and dazzling paper stars. The children sing the carol, a Christmas hymn, in chorus in memory of Christ's birth.

They eagerly await the arrival of Father Christmas, the 'Santa Claus' who is supposed to bring with him many beautiful gifts for the children. Santa Claus is dressed in red and white with long white beard.

He carries a bagful of attractive gifts such as toys, toffees and sweetmeats. However, churches and public places are illuminated with glamour and grandeur of the festive mood.

Merry Christmas Essay for Kids in Hindi :

Essay 1:-

क्रिश्चियन समुदाय के लोग हर साल 25 दिसंबर के दिन क्रिसमस का त्योहार मनाते हैं। क्रिसमस का त्योहार ईसा मसीह के जन्मदिन के रूप में मनाया जाता है। क्रिसमस क्रिश्चियन समुदाय का सबसे बड़ा और खुशी का त्योहार है, इस कारण इसे बड़ा दिन भी कहा जाता है।

क्रिसमस के 15 दिन पहले से ही मसीह समाज के लोग इसकी तैयारियों में जुट जाते हैं। घरों की सफाई की जाती है, नए कपड़े खरीदे जाते हैं, विभिन्न प्रकार के व्यंजन बनाए जाते हैं। इस दिन के लिए विशेष रूप से चर्चों को सजाया जाता है। क्रिसमस के कुछ दिन पहले से ही चर्च में विभिन्न कार्यक्रम शुरु हो जाते हैं जो न्यू ईयर तक चलते रहते हैं।

इन कार्यक्रमों में प्रभु यीशु मसीह की जन्म गाथा को नाटक के रूप में प्रदर्शित किया जाता है। मसीह गीतों की अंताक्षरी खेली जाती है, विभिन्न प्रकार के गेम्स खेले जाते है, प्राथनाएं की जाती हैं आदि। कई जगह क्रिसमस के दिन मसीह समाज द्वारा जुलूस निकाला जाता है। जिसमें प्रभु यीशु मसीह की झांकियां प्रस्तुत की जाती हैं।

कई जगह क्रिसमस की पूर्व रात्रि, गिरिजाघरों में रात्रिकालीन प्रार्थना सभा की जाती है जो रात के 12 बजे तक चलती है। ठीक 12 बजे लोग अपने प्रियजनों को क्रिसमस की बधाइयां देते हैं और खुशियां मनाते हैं। क्रिसमस की सुबह गिरिजाघरों में विशेष प्रार्थना सभा होती है। क्रिसमस का विशेष व्यंजन केक है, केक बिना क्रिसमस अधूरा होता है। इस दिन लोग चर्च और अपने घरों में क्रिसमस ट्री सजाते हैं। सांताक्लॉज बच्चों को चॉकलेट्स और गिफ्ट्स देते हैं। इस दिन अन्य धर्मों के लोग भी चर्च में मोमबत्तियां जलाकर प्रार्थना करते हैं।

Christmas Day Essay In English for Children 2016 :

In the occasion of Christmas, Kids enjoys their holidays and have so much fun. They get the Merry Christmas Essay for Kids by their school as a winter break homework in which they have to write some Essay on Merry Christmas. We all are known that, that’s why we are bringing here some Merry Christmas Essay for the beautiful creature of god, Kids.

Merry Christmas Essay 2016 :

Here are the collections of Merry Christmas Essay for Kids which you can download and take as an example to write the Essay on Merry Christmas. This nice Merry Christmas Essay will help you to write an essay on it.


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